
“My child whines and it is driving me crazy. Punishment and bribery haven’t worked. Does it sound like I’m whining? Please help!”


Excerpt from the book Positive Discipline A-Z.

Understanding Your Child, Yourself, and the Situation

Children do what works. If your child is whining, he or she is getting a response from you. Oddly enough, children seem to prefer punishment and anger to no response at all. Whining is usually based on the goal of seeking undue attention. This child believes, “I belong only if you pay constant attention to me–one way or the other.” For some children, it is the only method they know to get their needs met. Other children go through a whiny time and it then disappears as quickly as it started.

Some of the suggestions here may seem like rewarding the behavior, but they are actually addressing the belief behind the behavior. Choose the approach that feels best to you.