Weaning a Toddler
Any suggestions for weaning a toddler?
My first child is now 2 and 1/2. If I’m around (and I am for the most part) she breastfeeds to sleep, and wants to breastfeed during the day (which we’ve mostly stopped.) She can fall asleep on her own-as she does at “school” 2 days a week.
I wish I had weaned her between 9 and 12 months but I didn’t know any better and was sort of going by the Attachment Parenting theory. (We’re attached and I’m a human pacifier.) She’s otherwise a healthy happy toddler.
I say to her “Someday we’re going to stop breastfeeding. Mommy is tired of breastfeeding.” And she listens intently while sucking away.
Any suggestions?