The Power of Nonverbal Communication

Excerpt from Positive Discipline for Preschoolers

by Dr. Jane Nelsen, Cheryl Erwin, and Roslyn Ann Duffy

Adults and children express emotional energy on their faces, in their voices, and in the way they move or stand. Because children are still developing their language skills, they trust the message of this nonverbal communication far more than they do mere words.

Three‐year‐old Kyle scampers into the kitchen where Linda, his mother, late for a meeting, is preparing dinner.

“Look, Mommy, look—I drew an airplane!” Kyle bubbles, waving his paper excitedly.

“That’s great, sweetie. You’re quite an artist,” his harried mother replies without glancing up.

Linda undoubtedly means well, and there is certainly nothing wrong with her words, but Kyle notices that her hands never stop grating cheese for the casserole and her eyes never quite look at his airplane. What message has Kyle really received?