
My daughter is 4 1/2. This past week or two her behavior has not been very good. She has starting having MAJOR temper tantrums. For example, we will go to get dressed and I will say it is cold today, pick out what pants you want to wear, and she will say NO I want a dress and it will go downhill from there. Also, she has trouble staying dry all night. I do not make an issue of this at all. But she had been coming in our bed after she wet hers and would also wet our bed, so I told her if she wanted to get in our bed she could, but she would have to put on her pull ups which she refuses to do, and will have a MAJOR tantrum in the middle of the night. Nothing I have tried seems to work. I have tried sending her to her room, she just walks out and continues to scream, I have tried spanking with a newspaper (I had heard from that if you choose to spank never use your hand). Help!


Have you read the “I Need a Hug” article? That is a good place to start. Next, start having family meetings. Your child is old enough to learn problem-solving skills.