Strong Willed Child
I have so many issues I don’t even know where to begin. I am the proud mother of a beautiful 2 year old daughter. She is the light of my life but boy are we having troubles. She is very independent and strong-willed. Also very LOUD!!! Screaming at the top of her lungs is her answer to anything she doesn’t like. I wish I could say that these problems are new but she has been doing them since I can remember. I am not the best at dealing with constant tantrums. I have read your books and have tried to apply them but Jordyn just ignores me. You can’t ask her any questions because she never answers.
My other problem is her obvious favoritism of her father. He is great with her and I am so happy that they are close but just once I would like her to be sad I am leaving or want me when she is hurt or tired. I truly feel so inadequate and that she just doesn’t like me much. don’t give in to try to gain points but I would love to know or feel that she still loves me. Even my friends and family feel sorry for me. My husband and I have a very rocky relationship but I am afraid if I leave it will give her one more reason to hate me later. Please help me deal with the screaming. Ignoring it doesn’t help. I will be honest I am ready to scream and yell right back. Also is it normal for her to favorite one parent so completely and for so long.
Also I live in the Seattle/Tacoma area and was curious when you might have another workshop or if you know of any parenting classes that use your theories?