Parenting Preschoolers
An excerpt from the book, Positive Discipline for Preschoolers.
Understanding your preschooler’s development and filling your toolbox with Positive Discipline parenting tools will go a long way toward resolving conflicts with your young child. It also helps to know that temperament, birth order, brain development, physical and intellectual abilities, and skill acquisition underlie much of your child’s behavior in these early years. Still, even the most delightful preschooler isn’t perfect, and misbehavior can be frustrating. Why do children misbehave? And what should parents do about it?
Carly is playing happily on the floor while her mom pays the bills. The phone rings, Carly’s mom answers—and suddenly Carly is glued to her mother’s leg, whining for juice. No amount of whispered urging will make Carly return to her play. Why?