
Can you offer suggestions to achieve a quiet, safe, orderly entry and exit of primary grade children in and out of the school at recess times? 
Primary Lead Teacher


Hi Suzanne, You are probably aware of our book, “Positive Discipline in the Classroom”. One of the themes of that book is the importance of getting children involved in creating guidelines for behavior. We include an activity for getting children into a circle for class meetings that would work very well for orderly entry and exit.

It is very simple. Ask the children to brainstorm ways to complete the task Quickly, Quietly, and Respectfully. Write down all their ideas. Let them choose the ones that will work best and then let them practice. Keep them involved. In something doesn’t work, ask them for their ideas on why it doesn’t work and what they could do to make it work.

I’m sure you can see the benefits of this method. Children are more willing to cooperate in plans they have helped create — and they are learning problem solving skills. They are also learning the importance of including respect for others in their solutions. By the way, their ideas may or may not include lining up – which often creates competition instead of cooperation. Following is an excerpt from our new book, “Positive Discipline for Childcare Providers” on lines:
