Need Approval


I have a 5.5-year-old only son. He is in kindergarten. I spend a lot of time on his wants and needs (as well as my own and my family). He is bright and nice, etc, etc. There is an area in which I am not sure how to proceed. He seems to be more needy of approval and inclusion than his classmates – or maybe I just notice it in him more. I’ve noticed other children ask for approval in their work, “Is mine great too?” or “See how far I am?”, which seems ok to me. What concerns me more is overhearing my child ask other children, “are you my friend?” with earnest concern. Sometimes the answer is affirmative, and he moves on to other thoughts; sometimes it is negative, and after a little pouting or whining or simple sadness, he seems to move on as well. But it concerns me that he does this.

Can you tell me what he is needing and how I can teach him that he can get it from within?