An Excerpt from Positive Discipline A-Z, by Jane Nelsen, Lynn Lott, and H. Stephen Glenn

“I want to get a divorce, but I’m so afraid it will hurt my children.  Should I stay in my marriage for the sake of the children?”


Understanding Your Child, Yourself, and the Situation

Many circumstances in life can be hurtful for children, including divorce.  There is evidence, however, that a bad marriage is actually more difficult and hurtful for children than divorce. There are many things parents can do to reduce the pain of divorce for children.


  1. Encourage children to express their feelings and show understanding.  Verbalize that you understand that the change is painful for all of you, and express confidence that you will all be able to handle it effectively with time.
  2. Do not fight over the children. Share time as equally as possible. Children want to love and respect both parents.  It is easier for children to love four parents (if you remarry) than it is for them to have to choose between their two natural parents.