Demanding Child
I am a mother of 5 children aged 8, 7, 5, 4 and 8 months old. There are many things I could ask about but I have gained so much just through reading as much as I can through your website. As well as this, we plan to order at least one of your books when we can afford it.
However, something I have not come across yet and am desperate to have answered is this. My (just turned) 4 year old son is very difficult to live with and hard to figure out at the moment. Briefly put, firstly, he will speak over someone else in the family or try to override their will with his without paying any attention to what they need or want no matter how reasonable. For example, when I am talking on the telephone, (which isn’t that often), he will talk to me or yell and demand for what he wants even though he knows I’m talking to somebody else, it’s very embarrassing. If he wants his own way he will fight or make a scene to get it no matter who’s around or where we might be at the time! We sometimes give in to him because it’s just easier, more peaceful or if in town, less embarrassing than to fight it. But other times, I stand my ground with him and have to calmly and kindly carry him out of the room to gently hold him and calm him down. The second problem is this, lately he has taken to hitting me whenever he perceives that I am being “mean” to him which is usually over the slightest little thing, like me kindly correcting him with a lilt in my voice or asking him not to annoy his sisters or brothers. But worse than that, he is verbally abusing me at the same time. He repeatedly says he “hates” me, that I’m being “mean to him”, that I don’t love him, that I’m a “disgusting” mother, when all I’ve done is tried to love him by setting boundaries for him. He totally overreacts and misunderstands me and my intentions.