Q. My ten-year-old daughter speaks with an angry, irritated, tone of voice most of the time. We have discussed it with her. And she says she does not want to talk to us this way–yet the habit persists. We feel we talk to her with respect.The things we have tried include, discussions in family meetings, and having her try it again, i.e., say it again respectfully. Still very little progress.In fact, it seems to be getting worse. She is an extremely polite, kind spoken, and sweet child to her friends, other parents, teachers, etc. But with my husband and me and my seven-year-old son, she is nasty in her tone of voice.Any suggestions please.



A. I have two suggestions: 1) Decide what you will do instead of what you are going to get her to do. For example, decide that you will leave the room every time she talks that way. Be sure to let her know in advance. This is a case of “less is more” or of “actions speak louder than words.”