Help I want her to be happy.


A.There are two factors to consider in the situation you describe.One factor is what your child does; the other factor is your response.First I will address what your child does.I’m sure you have heard it said many times that each child is unique.Obviously, she is very sensitive and slow to adapt.In our book, “Positive Discipline for Preschoolers” we include a chapter on the nine temperaments researched by Stella Chess and Alexander Thomas.Two of these temperaments (which are related to the behavior you describe) have to do with adaptability and quality of mood. Adaptability describes how a child reacts to a new situation over time, her ability to adjust and change.Some children adapt quickly.Others adapt slowly, if at all.Quality of Mood describes just that–moods.

Have you ever noticed how some children (and adults) react to life with pleasure and acceptance, while others can find fault with everything and everybody?One baby might favor her family with smiles and coos, while another feels compelled to cry a bit, just “because.”It can be discouraging for parents and teachers to deal with a child who always looks on the dark side, but there are ways to both accept this temperament and help a child to face life more positively. So, your child seems to display a negative mood quality and slow adaptability.