High Schools and Positive Discipline in the Classroom
Was just wondering if your program has components for high schools as well as elementary and middle schools. Dave
Hi Dave, Absolutely! Positive Discipline in the Classroom is for Elementary through High School. Although many high school teachers fear “losing” time to “non-academics,” and are reluctant to try class meetings, many high school teachers who have started using Positive Discipline and class meetings would never go back to “the old way.” The research shows that a “sense of connection” and the perception that people care about him or her reduces a teen’s risk for drug use, smoking, violence and increases their academic performance. (If you are interested in this you can check out the article by Resnick et al (1997) Protecting adolescents from harm: Findings from the national longitudinal study on adolescent health. Journal of the American Medical Association. 278(10), 823 – 832).