
I have a 3-year-old daughter and 7-month-old son. Until now my daughter has been really gentle with the baby but in the last couple of weeks she has been “testing” out being a bit rougher with him (pinching his cheeks, hugging him a bit too tight, giving him a kiss but holding on until he cries.) I usually try to quietly remind her that if the baby is crying it means that he is feeling hurt and that she needs to loosen up her grip. I’ve asked her how she thinks it makes him feel and what else we could do to show him love. She kind of half listens with a grin and stays away for a little bit…until about 10 minutes later. I believe she is doing it to get my reaction, but I feel like I can’t ignore it or say that they need to sort it out themselves. (Obviously the baby has no way to defend himself.)

Also, because he is starting to become mobile and grabbing for toys she is in the habit of grabbing the toys he is playing with away. I know that sharing is still a difficult thing for her age, but I just want to try and handle it in a way that helps out both children.

Any suggestions that you can provide would be great. I just finished your Positive Discipline book and have ordered the Positive Discipline for Preschoolers edition and can’t wait to read it. I have already found the suggestions so helpful and a good reminder of the way I want to parent….from the heart but firmly.

Thanks so much, Christine