Punishment or Discipline in Schools
I am a parent who is struggling with a situation at my daughters elementary school. She is in the eighth grade at a parochial school. My very spirited daughter likes to enjoy life and people. She always manages to find a way to make most things fun.
For example: Making funny noises and turning the lights off during the lunch time…basically fooling around in the lunch room. The problem we have is how the staff in her school handles consequences for imperfect actions. Staff includes teachers, library help, reading volunteers, computer lab help, and even the cafeteria help.
Perfection of actions is expected at all times If a child is less then perfect, and break a rule, they get a discipline form. In other words if you get a “Discipline Form”, you cannot participate in the class field trip, or go to the ice cream social, or a class lunch at a restaurant. (just a few examples) Their form of discipline is taking away the field trip (etc.), making the student stay at school with another teacher. The stay at school involves no classes, just basically being baby-sat by which ever teacher that has not gone on the field trip (etc.). I have always understood that field trips are educational, a time to learn. This is her last field trip at this school. So I am having a hard time understanding why an educational experience has to be deprived because of silly actions. My daughter is not malicious, or destructive. Her actions aren’t always perfect, but I believe there has to be a better way to handle situations like this without Taking Away something good. Please help me on this. The teachers follow the RULES. But there really is no discipline………just taking away a good opportunity to learn. I would appreciate any and all suggestions.
Thank you