Can Discipline Nurture Children?
I run a support group for Day Care Providers in a small city in MA. Some of the members have a concern about the nurturing of one member in particular. She readily admits she spanks her own children (Bible backed) and says she does not hit the daycare children. I do believe her but I do have a question about a discipline technique she uses on them. If they misbehave she sends them to a table where they must put there head down for a minimum of five minutes. I have shared with her that a time out usually makes it hard for a child to rejoin a group. I reserve a think time near the group when the behavior won’t stop and during the think time they have a stuffed toy or book or puzzle. She will not let them have anything. I have checked this out and it is not abuse, but some of the members and I as well do not find it a very nurturing way to work with children. One member in particular finds it a blow to a child’s self esteem. I would like your opinion and suggestions. I have also been called by our local R&R agency to develop a workshop on discipline in day care. I know you have several books, but can you suggest one that would be good for all ages through age five? I would so much appreciate your help.
I’m one of a team of Positive Discipline Associates who answer questions from the web-site. I asked to respond to your question because I have been an early childhood educator for 37 years (home provider, child care center, community college instructor and lab school lead teacher; and I now train providers throughout Iowa as a part of Iowa State University Extension). I am a fellow “concerned soul” about the abuse of “time-out” in child-care and by well-intending parents in their Christian homes.