Exhausted From Raising a Toddler
I have read a lot on your site, looking for some specific solutions for toddlers and I find that even the advice that is supposed to be for toddlers really seems too advanced for my 22-month-old.
Let me tell you what my problem is…my 22-month-old has been having a lot of outbursts that I know are related mostly to boredom and frustration and we are working on changing our daily routine to get into more of a rhythm that I think might make a difference with this…but what I need is some advice as to what to do until then and when these outbursts happen again, as they inevitably do.
Specifically, my daughter will do things like: start clearing off a table, throwing everything on the floor, emptying boxes of crayons & other things with many small items, food, etc, onto the floor, and refuse to help pick them up (we take the things away when she dumps/throws them, but she’s at it again later when she’s upset again, but with something else)…hit mommy or daddy even though we always say things like “soft touches”, “be gentle please”, “hands are for drawing, tickling, stroking, etc, not hitting” and other such positive comments…screams LOUD when she can’t have what she wants NOW!
I am exhausted and my behavior is starting to get as out of control as hers! I find myself snapping at her and not being at all the loving mommy I know am and I am very disappointed in myself and want to change the direction things are going.
I think I know some of why these things are happening, as mentioned, and we’re working on that, but still I need some specific pointers as to how to appropriately and positively respond to a toddler. I plan on buying some of your books soon, but need some pointers now!
HELP!! Tina